Hello family!
I got the package this week! It was SO wonderful!! Thank you SO SO SO much!!! (See attached photos! haha!!) **the photos aren't downloading for some reason, I'll try again later** Those pretzel M&Ms are delicious! Very good idea! haha!! Thank you for the music book and the CD (love it!). LOVE the hand soap and bracelet and shirt! Everything was awesome! We ate pancakes from the mix today with maple and then for lunch made tacos and guacamole...its was a WONDERFUL day!!!
I´m not sure about the phone call thing...I think I can arrange with you both, but I will ask.
Aww...loved the story about Hailey thinking about me sleeping in her bed with her. How SWEEEEET! I love that girl! I want to see a photo of this Hermione Granger Turkey! haha! Ashley is a great sister!
The photos/file you attached isn´t opening for me. I don't think the computer has the program needed to open them. :(
Ohhh a Christmas Tree?!?!! How exciting!! You guys are so cute! love it!!
Other stuff for the package....
Did I ask for more chapstick yet? I am on my last one. That blue Chapstick brand kind. Moisturizer with SPF 15. More taco seasoning...so delicious!! haha! A recipe for re-fried beans.....(it seems like I only think about food....yikes!)
Brazil has time changes too. Its weird...in September they change to summer time and lose an hour (it was a terrible night because we lost an hour of sleep! haha!) But then in February they change back and we gain an hour--meaning one more hour to sleep...WOOOO! Other than that, they don't change. I think we are only 3 hours different right now then...not sure. Its almost 4pm right now here.
Thanks for the notes from the conference. Sounds like it was really good!
A few stories:
A new Bishop was finally called in our ward here in Nova Granada. Its been about 5 weeks since our Bishop was released and we were left without! The bittersweet part is that our Ward Mission Leader, Cassio, whom we love very dearly and was helping a lot, was called to be a counselor in the Bishopric and the other counselor who was called is a young man, returned missionary, who just moved to our ward. Him and his wife are RMs and always help us too. So if we were to lose Cassio, I would have wanted him as our Mission Leader but now he´s in the Bishopric too! haha! But I know the Lord knows what He is doing and that its even better with them in the Bishopric because they know how important missionary work is!
We are teaching an awesome girl, Karina and her boyfriend, Altair. He is a member whose been inactive for a while and Karina is a sister of a member in our ward. She always participated in young womans and everything as a girl but her dad authorize for her to be baptized. Then she fell away for awhile, met Altair, and they decided recently that they want to return and follow the Savior again. I´m attaching a photo of us with them in their cute little one room house! Next week we will mark her wedding. I think I already mentioned them before but we had to work out a few financials and now its all going well for them to mark the wedding and everything. They will most likely get married and in turn she will be baptized on the 11th of December!
Other important thing: Next week we are going to the Temple so our P-day will be Wednesday, not Monday. So dont get upset when I dont email on Monday....wait for Wednesday! haha!
Love you all very much!!
Sister Knudsen
PS: Photos: #1000594 is a Jaca Plant...that weird thing is a fruit called Jaca. Yeah...its funny! #1000590 is the wonderful shake and french toast and gift that Sister Felipe made for/gave to me for my 1 year on the mission mark! It was on the 11th...YIKES...can you believe a year has already passed?!?!?!?! I received the package the next day so its was great timing!!!